Modern Apps
Modern business applications are constantly evolving, increasingly feature-rich and capable of handling larger amounts of data. The “Modern Apps” Business Unit supports its customers through the use of new technologies, investing in continuous research and creating customized platforms that are able to meet the different needs in terms of requirements and budgets of individual companies.
In this process is essential not only to be able to identify the best tools available on the market but also to know how to organize and integrate them into a solution that is both effective and functional.
Traditional methodologies, together with the most recent ones, such as the Agile methodology, support the development of customized software that meets the real needs of the customer and the Cloud in this sense certainly represents an opportunity from many points of view.

“Nothing is created, nothing is destroyed, everything is transformed“, argued the great 18th century scientist Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier. Well, this maxim is also valid in information technology, where to manage and process information, implement processes, it’s possible to continually meet from the new development framework to the new architectures. In this context, is therefore necessary to know how to choose the best approach to tackle problems and solve them by simplifying everything as much as possible, without forgetting that information technology starts from small, functional, fast things that benefit people.
Our Technologies

App Modernization
In order not to encounter the technical obsolescence of some technologies that are no longer supported and thus ensure that applications that already exist in the company continue to function at their best, it is necessary to renew their essential components. Software updates must be evaluated under many factors, from the technical one to the infrastructural and economic one. If until several years ago desktop applications were the majority on the market, today the web and mobile ones have acquired more and more importance.
Modernizing an application also means rethinking its architecture and its management costs.
Modern App specializes in specific assessments and consultancy for Cloud Azure.

Training on the job
Knowing new technologies is not a simple thing and the learning curve for many languages is quite high; this is why it is important to support companies in their training growth path and guide them in the daily development of new projects. Professional figures who know how to advise their customers in many respects and enrich them with targeted training are the added value that our company offers.

Software Architecture
In HUDI we are specialized in designing technical architectures both for new projects and for existing projects that need a technical and functional re-style. This is why it is important to support companies with a common and continuous path for the application re-architect and some of the technologies proposed and used in this sense are Azure Active Directory B2C, Auth0, Azure API Management, DAPR, Azure Kubernetes Service, Redis, Rabbit , Azure App Service, CosmosDB, Azure SQL and many others.

Serverless & Cloud Native applications
The new development trends are certainly represented by Serverless and CloudNative applications.
For example, Azure Functions allows you to run code, to scale the backend and not to think about the infrastructure. For small applications, serverless services give great advantages in terms of management and pricing. With the addition of Azure Static WebApps it is possible to have a complete environment that allows you to create serverless applications from the frontend to the backend.
Cloud Native applications are growing exponentially, many projects are open source and many others are part of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation. These products are therefore maintained by a community of contributors and guarantee profound reliability even for enterprise projects, always maintaining the password ‘Container’, ‘Kubernetes’ and much more.

Single Page Application & Mobile Apps
Today’s user is increasingly attentive to the User eXperience and the User Interface. We are used to moving from desktop applications to similar ones usable on mobile devices.
Single Page Applications allow you to use different features directly on your browser and have a high reactivity that is now intrinsic in the use of modern applications with which we are used to interact. Framework such as React, Vue, Angular and Blazor are the most used in today’s projects and you will find in HUDI a partner prepared to support you in the realization of this type of applications. Furthermore, for the development of native applications (iOS and Android) similar technologies are used such as ReactNative or Progressive Web App solutions that take advantage of the best of native apps and Web technology

The release methods have evolved a lot in recent years, releasing a software automatically or with a few clicks is a pleasant habit that accompanies us in the developments.
The use of tools such as Azure DevOps or GitHub facilitates the adoption of Continuous integration and Continuous deployment processes. The Agile and Scrum management of projects and tools such as those just mentioned help all the protagonists to have a common vision of the assigned tasks and tasks and their individual progress.